If you experience anxiety when thinking about a dental or periodontal appointment, then you’re not alone. Many people feel uncomfortable in a dentist’s chair either due to bad experiences, an overactive gag reflex or general medical discomfort. That’s why Dr. Kharmouche offers sedation dentistry. Here’s what you need to know about this kind of procedure.
Every Reason Is Valid
Just because someone you know uses sedation to combat severe anxiety, it doesn’t mean your fear of needles is any less of a reason to try this relaxing method. Some reasons people use sedation include:
· Difficulty getting numb
· Limited time for dental visits
· Complex dental problems
· Fear of shots and needles
· Embarrassment about teeth
· Traumatic dental experiences
· Bad gag reflex
Talk to Your Dentist
If you keep putting off your regular cleanings and checkups due to anxiety, schedule a consultation instead. Unless you make your feelings known, no one will know to offer you the option of sedation while seeing your dentist or periodontist.
Sedation Methods
Our office offers three kinds of sedation for your dental experience.
· Oral sedation
· Local anesthesia
· Intravenous (IV) conscious relaxation
Oral sedation is just what it sounds like. A pill is prescribed for you to take about an hour before your appointment. Someone should accompany you because you will get drowsy shortly after and shouldn’t drive. This lets you relax during your appointment without completely knocking you out.
Unraveling the Magic of Dental Teeth Replacement: Embracing Dental Implants
Unlike dentures, which rest on the gums, or bridges that rely on adjacent teeth for support, dental implants address the