For most adults, losing a tooth or having multiple missing teeth can be a very discouraging and emotionally traumatic experience to live with. Fortunately, with advancements in the dental field, there are multiple teeth replacement options that can solve those issues and allow you to regain any confidence that was lost from suffering from those horrible oral problems. Dental Implants are among the top treatments that are recommended for a tooth replacement option and at Nova Perio Specialists, Dr. offers numerous dental implant options to help regain your perfect smile.
What is
A dental implant consists of a titanium screw that is surgically implanted within your jawbone and a tooth-like crown that is placed over the screw. The titanium screws act as a post to replicate the tooth’s original root, over time your fuses to the post creating a structurally sound bond between the two. The implant’s crown is created to look exactly like a natural tooth, these are very durable so they will allow you to enjoy the same things you would joy with your original teeth like cold foods, crunchy foods, or even tough to chew foods.
Things to remember when caring for your implants
Even though your dental implants are durable and built so they function the same as your original teeth you should still take care of them as if they are your natural teeth. This means you should have a very reliable dental hygiene regime that you follow once or twice a day. You should brush and floss your implants after every meal as much as possible to make sure they don’t end up becoming infected from damage done to your gums.
For more information
Overall dental implants can help you obtain a smile that you can be proud of and show off if you’re missing teeth or you think you have a less than ideal smile. They can also be great for people dealing with a decaying or problematic tooth.
Contact one of our three offices located in Sterling, and Leesburg, Virginia to schedule an appointment to speak with Dr. to learn more about how dental implants can help with your oral problems.